Below is a list of helpful resource information for the residents of Aviara. If you have a resource you feel should be added to this list or find any incorrect information included in this list, just contact us .
Aztec Elementary 13636 N. 100 St
Mountainside Middle 11256 N. 128th Street
Desert Mountain HS 12575 E. Via Linda
Desert Canyon Elementary 10203 E. McDowell Mountain Ranch Road
Desert Canyon Middle School 10203 E. McDowell Mountain Road
Notre Dame Prep 9701 E. Bell Rd
Grocery stores
Safeway FLW /Thompson Peak
Basha’s Bell Rd/Thompson Peak
AJ’s FLW/Thompson Pk
Drug Stores
CVS FLW/100th Street
Walgreen’s FLW/Thompson Peak
CVS Bell Rd/Thompson Peak